"Let your diet be your main medicine" as stated by Hippocrates.
Cretan diet, Okinawa centenarian diet, secrets of longevity… all of which have contributed to the scientific link between dietary habits and health.
To eat well, there are a few simple, general rules of old-fashioned common sense, to be followed in your daily diet.
With a bit of organisation and willpower, everyone can eat healthily!
How to eat healthily
All doctors and nutritionists agree today on the need to eat healthily, which can be summed up as follows: fewer refined products, fewer processed products, less sugar, less salt, less bad fat, not to forget fewer ready-made meals and pesticides in our food.
In other words, "eating healthily" means choosing the "right food" for your meals.
But don't forget that eating healthily also means:
Eat your meal properly - take your time to chew, to aid good digestion and for better absorption of the food. 15 to 20 minutes after beginning the meal, chewing brings about the secretion of a neurotransmitter that signals the brain to stop eating. This signal of repletion is disrupted by fatty and sweet foods, as tasty as they may be
Relearn the real taste of food. Our sense of taste is frequently clouded by all the additives, flavour enhancers, artificial flavourings, emulsifiers... making all food taste the same. Rediscover different regional and seasonal products, which will also help you to eat healthily
Cook for yourself as often as possible. Cooking encourages you to take care of yourself and of others, to enter into contact with the food, to transform it…
Share. There's nothing like a meal taken amidst a nice, friendly atmosphere
Eating healthily: a few daily habits
Eat a richer meal in the morning rather than the evening. Remember the saying "Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dine like a pauper".
Chew your food slowly. Avoid digestion problems, appreciate the flavours and get the repletion signals going.
Eat fresh products as much as possible. Say yes to local and seasonal products; transport, storage, preservation… all reduce food quality. A new way of doing your shopping, new self-organisation… for your own well-being.
Favour raw fruit between meals. Taken during meals they slow down the digestive process. A good time would be 10.00 to 11.00 and 17.00 to 18.00.
Eat raw products at the beginning of the meal. They trigger beneficial digestive enzymes.
In practice
Breakfast rich in proteins Top-quality tea, chicory or infusion, plus one from:
2 soft-boiled eggs
wholegrain rice with currants + seasonal fruit
1 ERGYNUTRIL or VÉGÉNUTRIL preparation + 1 seasonal fruit at 10.00
½ soy yoghurt + 2 teaspoons of freshly rolled oats flour + currants + organic pumpkin seeds + seasonal fruit
Lunch Seasonal raw vegetables (dressing: virgin first cold-press oil + cider vinegar) Steamed vegetables (organic or home-grown vegetables, preferably seasonal produce). One protein of your choice (see below)
Tea In general only for children and adolescents: Fresh or dried fruit, organic wholemeal or semi-wholemeal cereal, oil seeds.
Dinner Light meal, taken early, no meat to reduce breaking down and sleeping problems. Favour oily fish and vegetable protein. Depending on your appetite and the season: raw vegetables + pulses + cereals or vegetable soup with cereals, or mixed salad.
If you want a sweet after the meal, try cooked fruit, infusion, plant milk-based cream, homemade fruit tart...
Animal and vegetable protein
Meat: maximum 3 times a week
Fish: twice a week at least
Eggs: 4 to 6 per week
Goats' or ewe's cheese: 2 to 3 times per week
Tofu (soya) or pulses (lentils, quinoa, split peas): 2 to 3 times per week (pulses should especially be eaten in autumn-winter)
Wholegrain or semi-wholegrain cereals: bread, pancakes, cooked cereals. Reduce amounts in summer. In summer, think about germinated cereals
Nutritional advice
To be favoured
Virgin first cold-press oils; alternate olive oil and sunflower, rapeseed, sesame and grapeseed oil.
Healthy and natural seasonal products, preferably local and organic, home-cooked meals
Integral sugar, honey, pollen, raisins. Alternatives: rice pudding (soya, oats), fruit, dried fruit (autumn and winter), baked apples, small amounts of organic chocolate, seed oils (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts)
Fruit or fresh fruit juice (vitamins and fibre)
Hot drinks (chicory, cereal-based coffee substitutes, green tea, infusions)
1 glass of good wine at mealtimes notably provides antioxidants (resveratrol, tannins)
Wholegrain or semi-wholegrain flour and cereals, wholemeal bread
Sea salt, algae
Plant milk (soya, rice, oats), limited amounts of goat's or ewe's cheese
1 to 1.5 litres of water each day between meals (infusion, green, tea)
Restricted amount
Refined oils or simply "cold-press" (use of extraction solvents plus refining)
Prepared meals (degraded via the process), tinned food, food rich in additives or colourings.
Refined white sugar, jams, sweets, cakes, chocolate
Commercial fruit juice (acidifiers and sugars, preservatives)
Stimulants: coffee, tea (tire the body in the long term)
Consumption of alcohol, especially aperitifs and liqueurs
L’assiette vitalité : le Guide Alimentaire Universel Ligue nationale française contre le cancer Publisher: Editions la Fondation pour l’Avancement de la Recherche Anti-âge 2002
A table !!! Docteur R. Grodidier et E. Lassiat Publisher: Delville Santé 2011