Most of the French have a magnesium deficiency. Due to its pivotal role at the cellular level, the whole body cries out: episodes of fatigue, low spirits, sensitivity to stress, cramp, disturbed sleep…
The solution: enhance your reserves of magnesium through your daily diet, but also by taking supplements if necessary.
Magnesium in the body and its roles
Magnesium is the fourth most common mineral in the body. More than half is found in the bones and teeth, a quarter in the muscles and the final quarter spread throughout the body. It helps to ensure the proper functioning of over 300 cellular biochemical reactions. When you realise that it is actively involved in theproper functioning of the muscles, nervous system, energy production, bone health and synthesis of proteins, DNA and glutathione, our cells' main detoxifier, you realise that any shortfall will leave us short of energy.
What are its actual effects?
Through its role at the level of the nervous system and notably on the release of serotonin, the "zen" hormone, it soothes irritability, impulsiveness and even depression1. In the event of stress and sleeping difficulties, as an activator of melatonin, the sleep hormone, it plays a key role. It supports mental functions such as learning and memory1.
It helps to combat fatigue, even muscular fatigue. It is in fact vital for the production and exploitation of energy reserves at the cellular level, especially in the face of various "stress inducers", such as temperature, toxins, intense physical exercise, and on the psyche. More of it is needed in the event of "overload". It is therefore particularly recommended for people suffering from stress as well as those with greater exposure to a deficiency: the elderly, active or menopausal women, etc.
In the muscles it is active in the production and release of energy and in muscle relaxation: a magnesium supplement taken by sports people aids endurance and helps to reduce stiffness and cramp2.
A major constituent of bone, it helps to maintain bone health in both adults and children3, just as much as calcium! In the event of a deficiency the body will eat into its reserves, weakening the bones. So it is vital to ensure that you take the correct amounts, especially during periods of growth and ageing.
Numerous studies show a correlation between magnesium deficiency and the occurrence of certain disorders. It therefore plays an important cardiovascular role in the event of diabetes, asthma and migraine4
1. EFSA Journal 2010;8(10):1807. 2. Consequences of Magnesium Deficiency on the Enhancement of Stress Reactions; Preventive and Therapeutic Implications (A Review). Mildred S. Seelig, MD, MPH, Master CAN. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 13, No. 5, 429-446 (1994). 3. Magnesium, but Not Calcium Intake Is Significantly Association with Bone Mineral Status in 4 to 8 Year Old Children. Steven A. Abrams et al. Pediatrics/CNRC, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. May 2013. 4. The multifaceted and widespread pathology of magnesium deficiency. Johnson S. Med Hypotheses. 2001 Feb; 56(2):163-70.
Virtually widespread deficiency
Most of the French have a magnesium deficiency. This is essentially caused by 3 inter-related factors: an increasingly deficient diet (refined foods, excess salt, processed food, lower consumption of vegetables and pulses, vitamin D and B6 deficiency…), the stress of modern life, a main cause of magnesium consumption, excessive consumption of coffee, fizzy drinks, energy drinks4. Ultimately creating a vicious circle.
* INRA (French national institute of agronomic research). Study of the overall French diet: mycotoxins, vitamins and trace elements. 2004.
A quick test to measure your deficiency levels
What form of magnesium?
To bolster magnesium reserves, yes, but which magnesium salt? Magnesium salts vary in magnesium element content via their bioavailability and digestive tolerance. No salt meets all the criteria. A combination may therefore be more effective. Overdosing does not present a threat except in the case of low kidney function..
Magnesium salt
Magnesium element content
Digestive tolerance
Marine-sourced magnesium
58 %
Magnesium citrate
11 %
Magnesium carbonate
25 %
Magnesium bisglycinate
18 %
Excellent thanks to aminocomplexes
Magnesium in your meals
Found in mineral water with a high magnesium content (>50 mg/l), pulses (dried beans, broad beans, lentils = over 100 mg/100g), dried fruit and oil seeds (figs, dates, Brazil nuts = 300mg/100 g, almonds, hazelnuts), wholegrain or semi-wholegrain cereals (cooked buckwheat, oats, rye = 50 to 100mg ), dark-leaf green vegetables (kale, spinach, lettuce, sorrel, chard = 100 to 200mg), cocoa (in powder or dark chocolate 75% min. cocoa solids = 110mg or 2 squares = 20mg), seafood (winkles and whelks = 250 to 350mg/100g ; mussels and prawns = 50 to 100mg), cumin, ginger, turmeric, chives…
To find out more
Table of magnesium-rich foods: French national food safety agency