

Diet is recognised as one of the major factors influencing fertility , conception and embryonic and fœtal development.

In order to nourish the baby well "in utero" and during nursing, you should not eat for two people but eat twice as well!

Certain nutrients are particularly important for the child's growth and the vitality of the mother.

In order to optimise fertility and have a radiant pregnancy: some pertinent dietary advice and practical recommendations! 

For optimum female fertility

  • Favour brightly coloured foods rich in antioxidants

  • Take omega 3 essential fatty acids in the form of first cold-press vegetable oils (rapeseed, walnut, linseed) and small oily fish (sardines, herring, mackerel, etc.)

  • Reduce acidifying foods (see specific nutritional advice for "Acidic environment" and the table in the paragraph entitled "During pregnancy and nursing") such as animal proteins, coffee, sweets, fizzy drinks, etc.For optimum female fertility

  • Favour plant protein (pulses, legumes + cereals) and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index (see table below)Once or twice a week consume organic whole milk products.

  • Once or twice a week consume organic whole milk products.

Table des index glycémiques
Table des index glycémiques

Table des index glycémiques

For optimum male fertility

  • Favour brightly coloured foods rich in antioxidants
  • Take essential omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the form of first cold-press vegetable oils (rapeseed, walnut, linseed) and small oily fish (sardines, herring, mackerel, etc.)For optimum male fertility
  • Take foods rich in vitamins B including B9, or folic acid, in particular: liver (beef, chicken), dark green vegetables (spinach, cabbage, green beans, avocado, lettuce...), pulses (lentils, chick peas, soya, shelled beans…), egg yolk, meat (beef and veal), wholegrain cereals, fresh fruit (bananas, oranges, strawberries…) and nuts (walnuts), milk and cheese…

During pregnancy and nursing

Requirements of vitamins, minerals and trace elements are significantly higher during pregnancy and nursing.

Besoins en vitamines
Besoins en vitamines
Besoins en vitamines

Besoins en vitamines

During pregnancy, the base pH of the amniotic fluid enables the baby to eliminate its metabolic acids. In order to maintain this pH the mother must eat into her mineral reserves.

We frequently observe limited buffer stocks in early pregnancy. So acidic and acidifying foods should be avoided (see table).

Acid fruits

citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit …), tomatoes (cooked+++), passion fruit, pineapple, kiwis, red fruits, dried apricot (non-organic),all unripened fruits


bananas, dates, figs, chestnuts, apples, pears, almonds, prunes, grapes

Acid vegetables

sorrel, cress, chard (green), spinach, asparagus


potato, corn, cabbage, carrots, beetroot

Acid dairy foods

milk, fromage blanc, fermented cheese, yoghurt


goats' or ewe's cheese

Acidifying cereals

white flour, all refined cereals


Wholegrain or semi-wholegrain cereals

Acidic condiments

gherkins, pickles, ketchup, tomato sauce, vinegar


mustard, aromatic herbs, spices

Acidifying proteins

red meat, deli-type meats, offal, game, shellfish


chicken, turkey, veal, fish, rabbit, pulses

Acidifying sugars

all sugars, chocolate


whole sugar (not brown sugar)

Acidifying drinks

coffee, black tea, cola, squashes, beer, cider, white wine


Grain-based drinks, chicory, plant infusions, green tea

Dietary advice: don't eat for two but eat twice as well!

The quality of the diet affects nutrient intake into the cells of the mother and future child.
For a high nutritional density in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants choose food that is fresh, brightly coloured, from local seasonal production and with the lowest possible content of pesticides, additives and pollutants.

What should you eat each day in practice?

What should you eat each day in practice?
En pratique, que manger au quotidien?
En pratique, que manger au quotidien?
En pratique, que manger au quotidien?

En pratique, que manger au quotidien?

     Breakfast                             Lunch                                   Tea                                  Dinner

Petit déjeuner
Petit déjeuner
Petit déjeuner
Petit déjeuner
Petit déjeuner
Petit déjeuner
Petit déjeuner
Petit déjeuner

The intake of essential fatty acids
 in a biologically active form is fundamental for the flexibility of maternal tissue and to ensure the proper development of the fœtus; series 3 fatty acids, especially DHA, support the development of the brain and eyes.

The beneficial effect is obtained through a daily consumption of 200mg of DHA, in addition to the daily consumption of omega 3 fatty acids recommended for adults of 250mg of DHA. This could be achieved through the consumption of oily fish (twice a week) and alternate seasoning between virgin first cold-press rapeseed and olive oil .

Daily consumption of fruit and green vegetables will provide vital vitamins and minerals, including the copper required for the assimilation of iron. To be supplemented if necessary by SUPRAMINÉRAL - an iron-rich mineral complex - 1 to 2 cap doses per day in ½ glass of water between meals – 2 cap doses provide 65% of the iron NRV (Nutrient Reference Value).

In the event of tiredness, we recommend a vitamin and mineral complex such as ERGY-NATAL - 2 capsules per day at mealtimes.

During nursing, once again take EPA/DHA essential fatty acids (ERGY 3) for optimum infant development. It is frequently necessary to provide the mother with support (vitality, hair…) via a mineral and vitamin complex such as ERGY-NATAL.


To find out more

La diététique de la fertilité
La diététique de la fertilité

La diététique de la fertilité
Publisher: Editions Thierry Souccar

La meilleure façon de manger en attendant bébé
La meilleure façon de manger en attendant bébé

La meilleure façon de manger en attendant bébé
Publisher: Editions Thierry Souccar

Manger bouger
Manger bouger

 Find recommendations at the website of the PNNS, the French national programme for nutrition and health