Do you have a diet where quantity trumps quality, take little physical exercise, constantly put your immune system to the test or has the weight of stress been accumulating around your middle? *
Ultimately your body is on overload at every level with constant tiredness into the bargain.
*Stress and Body Shape: "Stress-Induced Cortisol Secretion is Consistently Greater among Women with Central Body Fat", E. Epel et al., in "Psychosomatic Medicine", 2000.
Why do we put on weight?
1. Weight gain is the accumulation of too many reserves… of fat!
These are produced from the excess lipids and sugars in the diet: this is lipogenesis, dependent on the regulation of a pancreatic hormone, insulin.
The utilisation of fat - or lipolysis - takes place at night or between two meals taken far apart, under the influence of adrenalin.
When everything is working correctly, lipolysis and lipogenesis are in equilibrium.
2. Weight control is impossible without reforming the diet
So there are two foodstuffs that are particularly responsible for creating fat reserves: refined sugars or those with a high glycemic index (see table) and saturated fats (butter, margarine, cheese, deli-type meats, processed foods, etc.). So-called fast-release sugars (refined sugar, confectionery, preserves, pastry, fizzy drinks, etc.) give rise to a major secretion of insulin, the 3rd essential culprit in the process.
This regulates the blood sugar by lowering it and, at the level of the fat cells, encourages the entry of sugar and its conversion into fat.
In practices this most frequently gives rise to a yo-yo effect as the fast-release sugars bring about over-secretion of insulin with crashing sugar levels: it's the sudden tiredness with a craving for sugar... an infernal cycle which leads to weight gain over the longer term.
Recommendation 1:
Favour slow-release or low-glycemic index sugars, consume saturated fat in moderation, don't snack between meals.
Make use of the "fibre effect", especially soluble fibre, which swells in contact with water and:
makes you feel full
slows down the passage of sugars and fats
captures toxic substances
encourages intestinal transit
Restrict the action of insulin with chromium which plays a critical role in the processing of glucose.
3. The weight of stress
Overwork, chronic fatigue and psychological shocks disrupt the secretion of insulin. Studies also show that stress encourage the distribution of fats to the stomach.*
*Stress and Body Shape: "Stress-Induced Cortisol Secretion is Consistently Greater among Women with Central Body Fat", E. Epel et al., in "Psychosomatic Medicine", 2000.
Recommendation 2:
To limit the effect of stress, take physical exercise, identify the causes in order to be able to reduce them and, if at all possible, learn how to live more calmly. Make use of nutrients that enhance peace of mind.
4. Organic disorders
Remember that organic disorders are the frequent cause of weight gain, notably by overloading the liver, kidneys and intestines, the main "ports of exit" for our body's waste products.
Remember that all weight loss will also get rid of stored fats and toxins accumulated in the adipocytes.
The "elimination detox" is therefore inextricably linked with weight control. It must take place without any adverse effects on the mineral balance.
Recommendation 3
Favour a gentle elimination detox, especially in relation to the liver, by using specific plants. Recharge your body with trace elements that are vital to the diversity of metabolic functions.